A Locke Lord team led by Michael Newquist (Providence) represented Nautic Partners in partnership with VC3 management in a finalized recapitalization of the VC3 family of companies (VC3). VC3 is a market-leading managed information technology service provider to local governments and commercial customers. Terms of the deal, which closed March 12, 2021, were undisclosed. For more information, see the press release. Additional assistance was provided by Lori Basilico, Joseph Farside and Alexandra Lancey (all of Providence), Dave Ruediger and Michael Harrison (both of Boston), Michael Bennett, Tamer Tullgren and Peter Wynacht (all of Chicago), Paul Nason (Dallas), Ted Augustinos (Hartford), Sean Fifield (Los Angeles) and Victoria de Lisle (New Orleans).
Posted on March 18, 2021