
Compliance Week Quotes Hartford Locke Lord Partner Tara Trifon on California Privacy Rights Act’s Delayed Enforcement of Certain Provisions

Compliance Week
July 18, 2023

Hartford Locke Lord Partner Tara Trifon was quoted by Compliance Week on the Superior Court of California’s decision to delay agency enforcement of final regulations under the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) until March 2024. Trifon explains that the court’s ruling imposes a 12-month enforcement stay for certain rules under the ‎CPRA and any pre-existing, though unchanged, sections of the CPRA and the original California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) remain in full force. ‎

“As a result, ‎we do expect to see an increase in CCPA enforcement actions against companies that aren’t ‎in full compliance,” Trifon added.‎ “We believe enforcement actions are going to initially focus on practices that allegedly manipulate consumers and/or fail to provide consumers with simple and clear ways to exercise their rights under the CCPA. Basically, the attention is likely to be on anything that makes it harder for a consumer to control the use of their data.”

Read the full Compliance Week article (subscription may be required).