
ABA Midyear Tax Meeting 2019

New Orleans, LA
January 17-19, 2019
Todd Cooper served as a Panel Chair at the Midyear Tax Meeting for the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Section of Taxation in New Orleans. Todd served as Chair and Moderator for the “Legislative, Treasury and Internal Revenue Service Update” session of the meeting. This panel discussed new legislative initiatives that might affect tax exempt financing, the TEFRA regulations, the reissuance regulations, the Committee’s remedial action comments, the Chief Counsel Memorandum on a tax exempt advance refunding of a taxable bond, the overlap of Opportunity Zones and tax exempt finance, and other guidance in the tax exempt bond area. 

The ABA Midyear Tax Meeting brings together the nation’s leading tax practitioners to discuss current issues, topics and legislation. This two-day meeting will give you the resources and information you need on the latest developments, strategies and techniques to represent and meet the needs of your clients and take your practice to the next level. Attendees, speakers and guests include high-level government officials, judges, corporate counsel, and private practitioners engaged in all aspects of tax law.

For more information, click here