Brian Casey (Atlanta), Jon Gillum (Austin) and Greg Norton (New York) authored an article for Law360 discussing the shift from internal combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles during the next five to 10 years and its influence on the extended vehicle warranty market. The authors explain the difference between service contract types, adding states have one, a mix of two or all three contract laws. The authors further note against this backdrop, an extended warranty for an electric vehicle charger (EVC) may not clearly fit into only one of these regulatory classifications.
“Service contracts for consumer EVCs are either a home warranty or a general service contract, but likely not a vehicle service contract,” the authors said. “In states that have both a home warranty law and a general service contract law, the EVC obligors and sellers will need to consider the potential applicability of both types of regulatory frameworks.”
Read the full Law360 article here (subscription may be required).
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