
Locke Lord’s Austin Office Managing Partner Cynthia Bast Quoted by Law360 on Austin Relocation to Next-Generation Building in Heart of Downtown

May 9, 2023

Austin Office Managing Partner Cynthia Bast was featured and pictured in Law360 discussing Locke Lord’s Austin office relocation to a next-generation building in the heart of downtown, highlighting its state-of-the-art virtual courtroom and convertible collaboration space. She notes the office's slightly smaller footprint has made ‎the staff "more visible to one another."‎

"We see each other more in the day-to-day, and in the break room," Bast said. "It's creating more interaction ‎among people than we had previously."‎

Bast, who also serves as Chair of Locke Lord’s Affordable Housing Practice Group, also commented on the Firm’s diversity and strong collegiality: "We have diversity in our practice areas, we have diversity in the universities that we attended, in the law schools ‎we attended and of course in ethnicity, gender and every other aspect that can make an office diverse," she said. ‎‎"That's part of what makes our culture here special. We're not all the same and we all bring different voices."‎

Read the full Law360 article here and read more about Locke Lord’s modern Austin office space in CoStar and RE Business (subscription may be required).