
The Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law: EPA’s New Oil and Gas Methane Regulations

March 20, 2024

Gerry Pels will participate on a panel sponsored by The Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law (FNREL) to discuss the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Standards of Performance for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources and Emissions Guidelines for Existing Sources: Oil and Natural Gas Sector Climate Review (NSPS OOOOb and EG OOOOc), finalized in December 2023. The panel will cover:

  • The unique aspects of the landmark rule and guidance, including how the requirements differ from the historical NSPS OOOO and OOOOa;
  • The most significant concerns regarding implementation and compliance;
  • Opportunities for potential revisions and amendments to the rules;
  • The processes and requirements for states in adopting the Emission Guidelines OOOOc for existing sources; and
  • The interplay between NSPS OOOOb and EG OOOOc and EPA’s recently proposed Waste Emissions Charge for Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems rule.

Learn more about the The Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law panel.