
Noncompetes and Restrictive Covenants 2023: What Every Lawyer, Human Resources Professional, and Key Strategic Decisionmaker Should Know

October 2, 2023

Jennifer Kenedy served as a panelist during PLI's Noncompetes and Restrictive Covenants 2023: What Every Lawyer, Human Resources Professional, and Key Strategic Decisionmaker Should Know program. Jennifer moderated a panel titled "Protecting Your Business When You Have a Remote Workforce in a Changing Legislative Landscape."

This panel explored the current national landscape surrounding noncompetes, and what companies need to do to protect their business interests. After completing this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the current status and goals of state and federal regulation of noncompetes and other restrictive covenants
  • Anticipate how ever-changing state laws could affect your business and your existing employment contracts with employees
  • Learn how to protect your legitimate business interests with a geographically diverse workforce
  • Strategize what to do if noncompetes are removed from your arsenal of tools
  • Evaluate whether and how to update your company's protection programs
  • Review and advise on company communication and compliance strategies

Learn more about PLI's program.