Jeff Jefferson will co-moderate "The New M&A Reality: A Market Check" at the New York State Bar Association's International Section 2023 Mexico Global Conference on October 11 - 13, 2023. Jeff's panel will take place on October 11 from 4:45pm - 5:45pm.
We are living in a new world. Supply chains, geopolitical conditions, trade and national security issues, new demographic realities and impact of technology and artificial intelligence, among other things all impact M&A transactions. Our panel will consider from a holistic perspective this new reality and the legal and economic trends that result from the new normal. Compliance issues are constantly evolving and need to be considered in the workflow. Parties now, more than ever, must consider how to conduct due diligence, negotiate deal documents, including risk-shifting provisions, and prepare for integration in this new reality. Our panel will share perspectives from the standpoints of the business team, in-house counsel, outside counsel, investment bankers, and other participants in complex transactions, while considering the complexity parties must consider when considering, negotiating, and closing deals.
This year, the conference will consist of three days of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) panels and plenaries on various hot topics in international law.
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