
Noncompetes and Restrictive Covenants 2022: What Every Lawyer, Human Resources Professional, and Key Strategic Decisionmaker Should Know

September 29, 2022

Jennifer Kenedy will serve as a panelist during PLI's Noncompetes and Restrictive Covenants 2022: What Every Lawyer, Human Resources Professional, and Key Strategic Decisionmaker Should Know program on Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 4:15pm ET.

Jennifer's panel will discuss "Ethical Issues in Noncompete Matters: Fulfilling Obligations to Clients and the Court While Avoiding Traps for the Unwary." This session will help to: 

  • Discover how things can go horribly awry under ABA Model Rule 1.7 and 1.8 when you take on representation of both the employee and the new employer and risk representing both, as the facts, issues, and interests evolve during the course of litigation
  • Comply with ABA Model Rules 1.1, 3.3, and 3.4 and otherwise understanding the technological risks and preventing spoliation from undermining your case before it starts and during the discovery phase
  • Raise the ABA Model Rule 1.13 red flag when actions violate legal obligations of the organization
  • Understand your responsibilities regarding non-lawyer assistance under ABA Model Rule 5.3, including as it applies to the use of third parties for e-discovery
  • Review the impact of ABA Opinion 498 on “Virtual Practice” on these and other ethical obligations

PLI's program will being together thought leaders from around the country. The program starts with a level-setting of basic noncompete law, and then delves into nuanced and advanced issues from the perspectives of the employee, the former employer, and the new employer.

For more information, click here.