
Mental Health, An Existential Crisis in the Legal Industry: A Case Study and Potential Solutions

March 30, 2022

David Taylor will join Legal Innovators for a conversation on mental health on Wednesday, March 30 at 4:00pm ET, sponsored by Locke Lord.

Burnout and mental health issues, which were already at an all-time high among attorneys, have been compounded during the coronavirus pandemic. Now the great resignation upon us, citing burnout as the main reason for departure, law firms have a unique ability and responsibility to support and respond to the mental health and wellbeing of their attorneys and team members. Join us for a conversation with Locke Lord discussing:

  • Current climate of the legal industry
  • How law firms can improve access to quality care
  • Building a culture of resiliency from the top down where attorneys and staff feel supported and understand that it’s “ok to not be ok”

For more information, click here.